Wednesday 14 September 2011

Rain Gauge picture

Why the school quadrangle is not a good place to place a rain gauge?

There are a few reasons of not placing the rain gauge in a school quadrangle.

Firstly, it is impossible to place the rain gauge partially sunk into the quadrangle, so there will be a risk of the rain gauge toppling over. When it is toppled, it will be impossible to obtain a reliable result of the amount of rain collected.

Secondly, the rain gauge should be placed in a grassy area. Grass is a good insulator of heat. This ensures that the rain collected would not be evaporated.

Finally, I think that the most ideal place to place a rain gauge is in the middle of the school field, sunk partially into the ground. There is neither trees nor buildings to drip unwanted rain water into the rain gauge and most importantly, a reliable and accurate result will be obtain.